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Energy-saving Programs

Programs to Help You Save

We offer many ways for customers to save money—from the Power Rewards programs to Online Energy Checkups. By utilizing Energy Management Tools or the Watts It Cost Energy Meter, you can make smart choices at home.

Power Rewards: Smart Thermostat

Earn bill credits and get $25 by allowing your smart thermostat to automatically adjust your air conditioner when energy demand is high.

Power Rewards: Water Heater

Earn credits by allowing automatic adjustments to your water heater during peak times.

Power Rewards

Find which Power Rewards program matches your home by answering a few easy questions.

Power Rewards: Home AC

Earn bill credits by allowing automatic adjustments to your air conditioner when energy demand is high.

Watts It Cost Energy Meter

The Watts It Cost Energy Meter helps identify which electronics and appliances are power hogs.

Home Energy Checkup–Income Qualified

Get an in-home weatherproofing checkup and energy-saving products—for FREE.

Your Energy Use

Energy Management Tools give you more control over your home’s energy use and bill.

Online Energy Checkup

Take the Online Energy Checkup and get FREE energy-saving products.

Power Rewards: iControl

Earn bill credits for reducing your energy use when energy demand is high.

Earn Bill Credits

Power Rewards pay you to reduce your energy use when energy demand is high. By reducing your energy use during these peak times, you can earn bill credits.

Shifting energy use away from high-demand periods allows us to rely on more renewable energy sources during peak times. This helps keep prices more affordable for you and your community, plus it helps the environment by reducing our carbon footprint.

Which Power Reward is for You?

For help determining the Power Reward program that matches you and your home, use this quick selection tool. If you need help, please contact us.

Explore More Ways to Save

Power Rewards

Find which Power Rewards program matches your home by answering a few easy questions.

Power Rewards: Smart Thermostat

Earn bill credits and get $25 by allowing your smart thermostat to automatically adjust your air conditioner when energy demand is high.

Product offerings and rebates are subject to change without notice. See the specific rebate application for Terms & Conditions.