Since 2012, you have helped save over 1 billion kWh through I&M’s energy efficiency programs. That’s enough to power 88,807 typical homes for an entire year! The environment was helped by eliminating almost 6.7 billion pounds of C02, SO2 and NOX emissions since 2012. That’s equal to taking 672,326 gas-powered cars off the road for a year! More than 12,500 residential customers received nearly $1.2 million in rebates in 2022.*
Energy-saving Programs
We offer many ways for customers to save money—from the Power Rewards programs to Online Energy Checkup.
Rebates & Products
Our rebates and energy-saving products make it easier than ever to save money and help the environment.
Tips, Tools & Info
We offer a variety of useful tips, videos and other resources so you can stretch your energy dollars while also helping the environment.
Simple things like using smaller kitchen appliances whenever possible and checking the seal on your refrigerator can save you energy in the long run.
Energy Smart Newsletter
Sign up to receive the monthly e-newsletter which is full of energy-saving ideas. To view past issues, click here.
Data as of 2022. Prior year data updated annually in June. Rebates and participation in 2022, were impacted by COVID-related program changes. Annual energy savings based on 12,000 kWh use per year. Estimated emissions reduction calculations are made using EPA.gov Greenhouse Equivalencies Calculator and gross verified kWh savings by program in 2022.
Product offerings and rebates are subject to change without notice. See the specific rebate application for Terms & Conditions.