Reduce Energy Use and Earn Bill Credits
Power Rewards pays you to reduce your energy use. When energy demand is high, on hot and humid days, we will hold a Peak Energy Event. When you reduce your energy use during the 2-3 hour event, you will earn bill credits.
Choose how you want to reduce your energy use.

Power Rewards: iControl
You’re in control of your energy use and decide what changes you want to make — like waiting to wash dishes, do laundry or adjust your thermostat a couple of degrees. When you reduce your energy use, you can earn an average of a $1 to $2 bill credit per event.

Power Rewards: Smart Thermostat
During an event, we will signal your AC compressor to cycle and reduce demand on the grid. Your central AC fan will continue to circulate air throughout your home. When the event is over, your thermostat will signal your AC system to return the temperature to your normal setting and schedule. You will earn bill credits for each event. Plus, get $25 just for signing up.